Transition Coaching: Supporting you in navigating change & live your true potential |

  Elevate Life

Coaching to Be The Change and the Power

What are your goals and dreams?

What impact do you want to have in the world?

What if you were the embodiment of the change you would like to see?

What if your life miraculously flowed and expanded from the power and wisdom within you?





The capacity to navigate any change!

Change is constant and most people today are experiencing an acceleration of change. This can cause stress, overwhelm, grief, anxiety, anger or other non-peaceful states.

However, change does not need to feel that way. You may not be able to control the change around you, but you can control who you are being and what you do within that change. Change can be re-framed and re-perceived as an opportunity for personal growth, for learning or even just accepted without the drama or stress. You can even be the instrument of change itself to create your positive impact for the world as you set your goals and achieve them.



Coaching with Richard Schultz of WisdomWays


Awaken All Your Dimensions

We work in a partnership of equals to:

  • Discover who you are at your core, your purpose and true potential
  • Build your capacity to navigate and flow with life and change
  • Transform crises into opportunities for life breakthrough and expansion
  • Initiate and achieve positive, liberating, impactful transformation in your life
  • Establish and achieve powerful goals and live your greatest dreams
  • Go beyond the ordinary to create your extraordinary life

Coaching will uncover and put into action your personal power, potential and inherent brilliance.



Getting your subconscious mind supporting you!

When you do coaching with Richard, you'll get the added benefit of his expertise in working with the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind can either be a powerful team player or your enemy in times of change. As part of the coaching, Richard will use and teach you safe, simple, and powerful methods that quickly change your limiting subconscious beliefs or release the fears or anxiety that can keep you stuck in old patterns. These powerful subconscious change processes usually provide immediate and lasting shifts recruiting your subconscious mind  to be a powerful partner in supporting your goals and dreams. When your subconscious mind is engaged in your goals rather than sabotaging them, transition and change in easy!


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About WisdomWays

WisdomWays assists leaders and organizations to unlock their potential, authentic power and wisdom to create  extraordinary experiences, impact and success.  Build your capacity to thrive with change!

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