Insight Cafés - If we can SEE IT, we can BE IT! |

  Elevate Life

Insight Cafés


Opening Hearts & Minds

To Transform Our World


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Insight Cafés


Opening Hearts & Minds

To Transform Our World


Join an Insight Cafe



Insight Cafés


Opening Hearts & Minds

To Transform Our World



Join a Café

INSIGHT is a critical catalyst for transformation

For us as individuals, communities, or humanity as a whole, developing our capacity to receive breakthrough insight is critical. Without insight, we are destined to repeat and exacerbate, rather than solve, the individual and collective challengess we face. If we are stuck, insight sets us free.

AHHH-HA! Eureka!

Recall an experience of transformation or a profound shift you have made in your life. Was that shift preceeded or accompanied by INSIGHT? Did you suddenly, from out of nowhere, become aware of a new perspective or receive an new idea or truth that was previously veiled? How did that feel?

Like the mysterious phenomenon of synchronicity, insight just emerges, seemingly out of nowhere. We cannot make insight happen, but we can create conditions and practices that build our capacity to receive insight and make it more likely. We can practice being present for it's emergence.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."  - Albert Einstein

What are Insight Cafes?

Insight Cafes are open-hearted, open-minded Dialogue spaces designed to build our collective capacity to receive insight so that we might understand and transcend the challenges we face. Here, at the open edge of consciousness, we practice suspending what we think we know and listen for what wants to emerge. Breakthrough insight happens here!

WE Space

 Insight Café Schedule

Each Insight Cafe has a specific theme or focus inquiry associated with it. Come to Cafes themes that attract you, or attend as a regular practice of opening your heart and mind to receiving breakthrough insight and personal growth.

Insight Cafe: Creating safety in a world gone mad
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
C$ 0.00
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Richard Schultz

Richard Schultz

Richard is all about 'being the change' that we want to see in the world - both inner and outer. For the last 20+ years, he has studied, taught and developed ways to create change from the inside - out. These inner change technologies include how to quickly change limiting subconscious beliefs and for even more powerful inner shifts, how to do shadow integration to become 'whole 'again.  Richard's shadow integration technology is actually done through a powerful inner dialogue process that heals past inner wounds and traumas through forgiveness. 

Richard has also studied and worked with organizations and communities around change for over 20 years. This work includes teaching and facilitating using whole-person meeting technologies such as Open Space Technology and Genuine Contact™ as well as working with purpose and values alignment.

Richard has a passion for peace. He has helped hundreds of individuals overcome challenges to find more inner peace and has facilitated many groups such as Rotarians to organize themselves to create more peace in the world. In 2020, he co-created and facilitated a Peace Leaders group in Moncton, Canada to reach the goal of becoming an International City of Peace. He also co-created and facilitated Peace Cafés in the Moncton area and online. Essentially, these Bohm Dialogues are the next step in the evolution of the Peace Cafés! 

Click here to learn more about Richard and his work.

Contact Richard


 Contact Richard

About Richard

Richard Schultz assists leaders in unlocking their true potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives. Courses, life mentoring and dialogue with Richard can help you live your legacy and build capacity to thrive with change!

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What is Insight? 

... from "The Gene Keys" by Richard Rudd; Gene Key #43

Breakthrough Insight

“In Japanese culture, one of the key words for insight is satori, which implies a sudden break-through from within. No teacher or system can lead you to the experience of satori but these moments occur more frequently as you relax more deeply into your inner nature. As they become more frequent, a certain deep spirit of trust begins to pervade and suffuse your being, as though life’s mystery were awakening directly inside you. You begin to realise that although you cannot create these breakthroughs, you can expand the environment in which they seem to occur.”